Research Profile

Picture Frank SwiacznyDr. Frank Swiaczny is Senior Researcher at the Federal Institute for Population Research in Germany and Executive Director of the German Society for Demography. From 2017-2020 he was  Assistant Director (Chief Population Trends and Analysis Branch) at UN DESA Population Division in New York. From 2005-2017 he was advisor with the German delegation to the UN Commission on Population and Development, from 2003-2017 managing editor of Comparative Population Studies and from 2000-2012 head of research group Migration - Integration - Minorities of the German Demographic Society.
He is engaged in
research and policy advice on population and human geography, demography, and spatial studies. Beside the analysis of global processes he is working on Europe, especially Germany and the Netherlands.

New Interview - Deutschlandfunk, 11.7.2024 Ab 2084 werden wir wieder weniger 

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Selected Lectures 

  • » International Geographical Union - Commission on Population Geography: 12th International Conference on Population Geographies, Belfast 30.6.-3.7.2024: Recent trends and changing spatial patterns of international and internal migration in Germany
  • » BBC World Service, 22.2.2024: The Real Story: Getting ready for an older population (interview)
  • » European Population Conference  2022: Groningen (online) 29.6.-2.7.2022: Side Event "An end to rural population decline?"
  • » AAG Annnual Meeting, New York (online) 25.2-1.3.2022: Regional Population Decline in Europe. Population Projections and Spatial Planning
  • » Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2021: The Causes and Consequnences of Depopulation, Vienna (online) 29.11.-1.12.2021: Shrinking Populations. Uncertainty of Population Projections and Policy Making
  • » International Geographical Union - Commission on Population Geography: 10th International Conference on Population Geographies, Loughborough 1.-3.7.2019: Communication of Uncertainties of Population Projections
  • » Columbia University, Institute for the Study of Human Rights, New York 10.4.2019: Guest lecture on "Research Methods in Human Rights"
  • » 8th United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) - Academic Network Forum, New York 30.7.2018: Requirements and Enabling Tools for Implementing the SDGs in Urban Settings 
  • » International Sociological Association: Third ISA Forum of Sociology, Vienna 10.-14.7.2016: Demographic Change and Regional Population Dynamics in Germany – The Impact of Internal Migration on Regional Population Decline
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Selected Publications

  • » Räumliche Einkommens- und Kaufkraftunterschiede im Kontext des Politikziels gleichwertiger Lebensverhältnisse in Bayern. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung [link]  
  • » Bevölkerungsprognosen. In: Geographische Rundschau, Vol. 75, 1-2/2023: 40-43 [link
  • » UN DESA: Global Population Growth and Sustainable Development. New York 2021. Edited with L. Basarsky, C. Menotti and J. Wilmoth [link]
  • » Globale Bevölkerungsentwicklung. BiB.Bevölkerungs.Studien Vol 1.2021. Wiesbaden: BiB. With E. Loichinger et al. [link]
  • » Bevölkerungsrückgang als globale Herausforderung. In: Bevölkerungsforschung aktuell Vol. 42, 6/2021, pp 3-7. With E. Loichinger [link
  • » Demographischer Wandel und räumliche Planung in den Niederlanden. Halle [link]
  • » Atlas zur Weltbevölkerung 2017. Wiesbaden: BiB [link]
  • » Zuwanderung nach Deutschland – Dynamik oder Persistenz räumlicher Muster? In: Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde Vol. 89, 1/2015, pp 33-50. With C. Schlömer [link]
  • » Auswirkungen des demografischen Wandels auf die regionale Bevölkerungsdynamik in Deutschland. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung Vol. 73, 6/2015, 407-421
  • » Internationalsierung der Migration und demographischer Wandel. In: Köppen, B. et al. (ed.): Internationalisierung. Norderstedt 2012, pp 11-41. With N. Milewski
  • » Zukunft der Weltbevölkerung. In: Husa, K./Parnreiter, Ch./Wohlschlägl, H. (ed.): Weltbevölkerung. Historische Sozialkunde - Internationale Entwicklung Vol. 30. Wien 2011, pp 39-60 

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